Saturday, 26 April 2014

Jars of Sweet Sugar

Hey Guys!

A creative spruce up! As spring has now sprung I decided that a few rooms in the house needed to be brightened up and loose the slumber of winter, so I got creative!
Trying to reinvent a room can be difficult especially if you don’t want to repaint, buy new furniture or you are on a tight budget. So instead I got creative; using old glass jars and filling them up with what ever I could find in my house!

How do it:
1) To start with find several glass jars, they can be different shapes, sizes and colours, from jam jars too old food containers. If you don’t have any glass jars knocking around the house, they are now really easy to buy in many stores for only a couple of pounds!
2) Next choose random things to fill the jars up with; ribbons, buttons, rolled up pieces of coloured paper, old jewelry, dried flowers, fairy lights, sweets, shells, glitter. You can fill the jars up with anything so let your imagination and creativity run free!

Once finished place them in the room, I assure you they give any room a pick me up, and can be tailored to your own taste and style!

Violet's Wishbone xx


  1. Love this! I have a few in my room and they make it look so much more original and personal!!

    1. They are really sweet things to have in a room! I'm sure your jars of 'stuff' looks great!

      Violet's Wishbone xx

  2. These are so cute! Now where are my jars?

    Xx Anne

    1. Thankyou Anne! Go out and find some, have fun!:)

      Violet's Wishbone xx
