Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Life Goes On

Hey everyone!

For what seems like forever, I have been an extremely terrible blogger! (Im sorry... please forgive me) I have been super busy with, well life. Life just runs away without you realising sometimes, before you know it it's the middle of 2015!

But I promise I will get back to blogging more, I've missed talking about random things with you. However I feel a change is needed on this blog and my posts will become different from the ones I've posted prerivoiusly. (I hope this is okay with you guys)

Recently I have noticed so many of my friends getting enagaded, moving into their own places and getting amazing jobs, which made me quesion just how fast life has gone past. One moment I am sat in an English lesson at shcool reading Shakespeare, the next Im being an 'adult'...or so I'm trying my best to be.
I often wonder why life zips past us so quickly, maybe beacuse we dont realise how important the things are to us in that moment of time. Or beacuse our lives are so controlled by others influences and the socail media we brush past things, that usally mean the most to us in the future.
I guess we should all try and apperciate our lives more. Even the small things that happen daily every day. I've always wondered if I should keep a dairy or a notebook of the events that happen in my day, then I would be able to relive those times in the future.

What do you guys think..
How do you keep your memories? A dairy? Scrapbook? Pictures?

I would love to hear from you.
Violetwishbone xx